The first days
A child who are tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly. So, it is important for parents and pre school staff to work together to help the child feel confident and secure in the group. This takes longer for some children than for others and parents should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle.
What to wear
In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, please send your child into Pre-school in clothing that is suitable for a variety of activities. Physical play and creative arts will be presented to your child each day. Dresses and loose clothing can be caught easily on climbing frames and bikes and restrict movement.
It is good for children to practice the skills which make them independent, therefore simple clothing which they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet when they want to and put on and take off their outdoor clothes, without being too dependent upon other people’s help. This encourages independence and starts to prepare them for primary school.
Aprons are provided for water and painting activities, but ultimately we cannot prevent paint and glue getting onto your children’s clothes. We also request that you DO NOT send your child to Pre-school in open toe sandals, flip flops or shoes with a smooth slippery sole for your own child’s safety. All children MUST have indoor and outdoor shoes. The most suitable footwear for indoors we recommend is plimsolls or slipper. Unless your child can tie shoelaces these should be avoided.
Jewellery is not permitted in Pre-school; this is in case of an accident due to items catching on dressing up clothes or equipment. In hot weather we ask children to wear a hat and have sun cream on when playing outside. Your child will need a small clearly named towel or flannel with a loop.
It would be helpful if the children were toilet trained, but we will of course help any child still in the process of learning. We have a stock of spare clothes in case of accidents. We do accept children still in nappies but you do need to supply your own nappies and wipes.
We do go out in the rain and the snow, so we ask you to please provide your child with appropriate clothing. (Wellington boots, gloves, scarves and hats for the cold, sun hats and sun cream for the summer).